Pristine Edge


    Pornstar Pristine Edge’s Profile with Stats, Bio, Pics and Movies.

    About Me

    With a name like Pristine Edge, a girl is bound to grab some attention. It’s a name that speaks of both innocence and rebellion, perfect for a petite sweetie who can look adorable while doing the most perverse things. Born in St. Louis on October 13, 1987, she began her porn career in 2014.

    Watch Pristine’s pussy get creamed in Erotica X’sArt of Romance 4, then see her take on the legendary Prince Yahshua inHer 1st Interracialfrom Dark X. She’s the hottest young MILF imaginable as she indulges her dirtiest desires in Taboo Heat’sMommy Is My Girlfriend.

    Tattoos: Four small hearts below left armpit; 3 lines of script between shoulder blades

    My Stats

    Gender : Female

    Date of Birth: 13-Oct-87

    Ethnicity: White

    Hair color: Blonde

    Eye color: Blue

    Height: 5 ft 3 in
    (160 cm)

    Weight: 103lb (47kg)

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